Price list for experiments at the DFG Core Facility
(May 2013)

Type of experiment Cost in €
Multi anvil experiment with 1000 ton press 240
Multi anvil experiment with 5000 ton press 565
Multi anvil experiment with D-DIA or 6-axis press 80
Piston cylinder experiments 185
Diamond anvil cell experiments below 80 GPa 250
Diamond anvil cell experiments from 80 to 200 GPa 1540
Gas-loading of diamond cells 75
Single-crystal diffraction experiments in diamond cells 550
Hydrothermal experiments, standard bombs, large capsule 135
Hydrothermal experiments, TZM bombs 210
Experiments in internally heated gas pressure vessel 120
Experiments in gas-mixing furnaces 40


  1. Prices may be adjusted according to changes in the costs of raw materials.
  2. The prices above only apply to standard experiments; prices for experiments under unusual conditions may vary. In particular, the costs for diamond cell experiments with external heating depend very much on specific conditions; please inquire.
  3. Prices for other types of experiments are available upon request.
  4. The prices above only apply to users from universities and non-profit research institutes.

In case of any questions, please inquire at Bayerisches.Geoinstitut(at)