Contact persons for the DFG Core Facility
500-ton multi-anvil apparatus
1000-ton multi-anvil apparatus
1200-ton multi-anvil apparatus
5000-ton multi-anvil apparatus
D-DIA deformation apparatus
6-axis multi-anvil apparatus
Piston cylinder apparatus
Diamond anvil cells
Prof. Leonid Dubrovinsky
Dr. Tiziana Boffa-Ballaran (in-house single-crystal diffraction)
Prof. Dr. Hans Keppler (externally-heated hydrothermal cells)
Dr. Tiziana Boffa-Ballaran (in-house single-crystal diffraction)
Prof. Dr. Hans Keppler (externally-heated hydrothermal cells)
Standard hydrothermal bombs and TZM bombs
Internally heated gas pressure vessel
Gas-mixing furnaces
All other equipment and general questions of organization and management
Safety regulations